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Part of Every Child Matters Academy Trust

Addition and Subtraction

In Year 2, we will solve addition and subtraction problems using a range of objects, pictures, diagrams, and symbols such as +, – and =.

Use the language of addition and subtraction

Using the correct mathematical vocabulary will get your child used to deconstructing word problems, and will make them familiar with the kinds of words they will hear in school. 


Try to use mathematical language like add, altogether, more, plus, total, and sum when adding. When your child finds the answer to an addition calculation, encourage them to use the word total or sum. If they talk about the fact that you can add numbers in any order and get the same answer, encourage them to use the word commutative.


There is also a lot of mathematical vocabulary related to subtraction. When your child tells you the answer to a subtraction calculation, encourage them to refer to this as the difference. For example, ‘7 – 3 = 4’ could be read as ‘the difference between 7 and 3 is 4’. They should also try to use the language take awaysubtractminuslessfewer, and so on.


Try writing out the addition and subtraction symbols (‘+’ and ‘–’) along with the related words on cards (for example, add, altogether, more, plus, total, sum, take awaysubtractminusless, and fewer). Help your child to link the words to the correct symbol. If necessary, help them to read some of the words.


Play the Addition and Subtraction Facts game

Encourage your child to practise addition and subtraction to 20. This will help them derive related facts such as:

3 + 7 = 10

10 – 7 = 3

7 = 10 – 3.

Once they’ve done this, they should be able to use their knowledge of place value to calculate more facts:

30 + 70 = 100

100 – 70 = 30

70 = 100 – 30

We all have a Numbots account with our own username and password so that we can practise addition and subtraction at school and at home.  Click on this picture and it will take you straight to Numbots so you can practise at home.


Try lots of different methods

Encourage your child to use a range of methods, including using objects, drawings, diagrams, and symbols, to solve addition and subtraction problems. To solve addition problems, your child might:

  • Use objects. They could count all the objects in groups being added together to find their total (so for 2 + 3, they would count all the objects together: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Then, then could begin counting on from one group to find the total (so for 2 + 3, they might start at 3 and count on: 3, 4, 5).
  • Use drawings such as number lines or drawing tens and ones.

To solve subtraction problems, your child might:

  • Use objects and take some away to find the difference.
  • Put objects from two groups into two lines and compare them to find the difference.
  • Count backwards or use number lines.
  • Use tens and ones.

It can also be helpful to use more than one method to double-check calculations. For example, your child could check a subtraction question by adding up the answer and the number they subtracted to see if they get back to the number they started from.  We call this using the inverse.


Make up story problems

Story problems can be a fun way to help your child understand addition and subtraction and you can have fun making them up! Why not see if your child would like to create a story problem for you?


When creating an addition story problem, you could support your child by giving them objects to use or a picture to inspire their story. Once they’ve completed the word problem, ask them if they could write the calculations in the problem using symbols +, –, and =.


Try missing number problems

Missing number problems can be quite tricky for children. You can support your child by making the most of opportunities to practise missing number problems practically. For example, you can ask for your child’s help if you have a number of something but need a higher number:

‘I have 5 buttons but I need 15 buttons. How many more do I need?’

Ask your child how they worked it out. Then, you could ask them to write a calculation using numbers and symbols to explain how they did it.

5 + ? = 15.


They could have counted on from 5 to 15 to get 10.

They could have counted back 5 from 15 to get 10.

They may have known that 15 – 5 = 10.

 … and so on.
