Home Page

Primary School

Part of Every Child Matters Academy Trust


Welcome to the Governors’ section of the school website! Here you will be able to find out who we are and what our role is as part of the Ladywood Primary School family. One of the things we will be doing is to publish a letter here each term, to keep us in touch with you and let you know what we are doing.

What is the role of Governors?

Governors act as the school’s ‘critical friend’. We do this by

  1. Working at a strategic (planning) level to help raise standards
  2. Supporting and challenging the Headteacher and staff
  3. Monitoring and evaluating the school’s progress towards priorities and targets
  4. Being accountable to everyone connected to the school for the school’s performance and the decisions we have made

We have responsibility for all key areas of school such as Safeguarding, Finance, Health and Safety, Human Resources, Pupil Progress and School Improvements.

Who are the Governors?

We are a group of people who give our time, effort and skills to ensure that Ladywood is the best it can be and that everyone in the school achieves their potential. The Governing Body was re-constituted in 2015/16 and there are now eight governors. 

As we are a small group, instead of having separate committees we meet altogether each month to discuss school matters. Each term we also have a more formal meeting which is attended and minuted by a member of the Local Authority.
