Primary School
Part of Every Child Matters Academy TrustWhat will we learn?
We will be finding out about London, including its location, geographical features and famous landmarks. Through photographs, information, questioning and fun activities, we will soon be as familiar with London as any Londoner!
We found out that London is the capital city of England and the UK and know that London is in Europe. We can identify where London is on a world map.
We can identify some different London landmarks and describe them. We can find landmarks within an aerial photo of London.
We can use a map to identify and locate various landmarks and use compass points and positional language to navigate between points on a map. We can use a key to identify landmarks on a map.
We can identify a variety of geographical features, use knowledge of the features of London to identify if a photo is of London or not and understand appropriate vocabulary to describe the geographical features of London.
We can name the four seasons and describe them. We can suggest activities and events that might take place in London in each of the four seasons.
We consolidated our understanding of our geography lessons by planning an imaginary trip to London. We considered how we will get there, what we will need to wear for the season, what we will see and many other things. We then described our imaginary visit. Maybe one day we can all go on a trip to London!