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Primary School

Part of Every Child Matters Academy Trust

Pupil Premium

At Ladywood Primary we recognise that all pupils, regardless of their background, should have equal access to a curriculum which enables them to reach their potential.


Pupil Premium is a Government initiative that targets additional money to pupils from deprived backgrounds which research shows underachieve compared to their peers.


The Government have used pupils entitled to free school meals as an indicator for deprivation, and have issued a fixed amount of money to schools based on the number of eligible pupils. Looked after children, previously looked after children and those of armed services personnel are also eligible for increased funding through the Pupil Premium initiative.


How this funding is spent is decided by schools, however, there are clear guidelines which must be met

to ensure that the grant is used for the educational benefit of pupils registered at the school and to improve their attainment and narrow the gap between the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and that of other pupils.


The grant does not have to be completely spent by schools within the current financial year; some or all of it may be carried forward to future financial years.


A copy of our current spending plan highlighting the barriers to learning identified and our planned expenditure to address these can be viewed below.  

The level of funding we receive is directly linked to the number of children on roll who are or who have claimed free school meals. To ensure that we receive the funding that our children are entitled to and to ensure that we can continue to deliver targeted strategies to support your child/ren, we need to ensure that everyone who may be entitled to claim free meals has applied. If you think you may be eligible please contact the school office or telephone the free school meals team on 01226 773513.
