Home Page

Primary School

Part of Every Child Matters Academy Trust



Children will be given weekly spellings to practice at home and will be tested each week.  


Children are expected to continue to practice the time tables they are focusing on in class and will be tested. Children need to know timetables in and out of order and recall at speed.  Please  go to the maths section on our class page for support with learning times tables at home and information about the multiplication tables check test for all year 4 pupils. 



All children are expected to read at home at least 3 times per week, please record in reading diaries to ensure children receive their rewards. Children will be read with every week and records updated therefore it is vital children remember both reading books and records every day. Please go to the literacy and reading section of our class page for home reading support. 


Summer Half Term 6 - Rivers

Summer Half Term 5- Animals

Spring Half Term 4 Homework

Autumn Half Term 3 Homework

Autumn Half Term 2 Homework

Autumn Half term 1 homework
