Primary School
Part of Every Child Matters Academy TrustWhat will we learn?
We will identify, classify and describe the everyday materials around us. Through fun activities and investigations, we will explore the properties of materials, such as wood, plastic, metal, glass and fabric, and start to explore the uses of everyday materials.
To begin with we worked together to identify, name a variety of different materials and organise a variety of materials into groups according to given criteria.
We found out some materials are naturally occurring and some are not. We named some naturally occurring materials and identified objects that are made from naturally occurring materials.
We explored how materials change shape when you bend, squash, stretch or twist them. We identified materials that can change shape temporarily and materials that cannot change shape at all.
We now know metal and plastic are different materials and can identify different things metal and plastic are used for. We can explain why a particular material is chosen to be made into an object.
We now know that paper and cardboard are made from wood and can identify features of wood, cardboard and paper. We can explain the advantages and disadvantages of using different wood products.
We know that different materials can be used to make the same product and can identify which materials have been used in a product. We can explain how the purpose of a product might affect the material that is used.