Primary School
Part of Every Child Matters Academy TrustP.E.
P.E. will be every Monday and Thursday afternoon. Please ensure that P.E. kits are in school that day and any jewellery, (including earrings) is removed. Our P.E. uniform is a white t-shirt, black shorts/tracksuit bottoms, black jumper/jacket, pumps for indoors and trainers for outside.
Each child will bring home their reading book and diary every day – it is important that they have a bag to carry these in. It is expected that they read at home at least 5 times per week and they record this in their diaries every time they do so. Children who read 5 times or more per week will be rewarded!
Children will also read with class adults; therefore, it is vital that they remember both reading books and diaries every day. Your child will also receive a book of their choice from the school library, which needs to be returned each Thursday so they can change it for another one.
Children will be given weekly spellings to practise at home every Friday and will be tested on them the following week.
They are also encouraged to use Times Tables Rock Stars at school and home (if possible) to support and improve their knowledge and understanding of their times tables.
There may also be occasions when your child will receive homework to support a specific learning task in English, maths or the wider curriculum.