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Primary School

Part of Every Child Matters Academy Trust

Digital literacy

In year 1 we will be learning how to keep safe online. We will learn the acronym SMART to support us with this and learn how to use the seach engine, Safe Search Kids

We created self portraits and learnt about the importance of taking ownership of our own work. We wrote or typed our names on our digital art and then, with support, we saved our pictures.

We used the search engine Safe Search Kids to research old toys. We had to think carefully about the words that we typed in to the search bar. We had to be specific.  

When we are using the world wide web it is really important that we keep ourselves safe. We learnt how to keep ourseleves safe and to help us we learnt the acronym SMART. S stands for safe, M for meet,  A for accept, R for reliable and T for tell. 

S- stay safe

M- don't meet up with anyone

A- don't accept people you don't know

R- don't click on links that aren't reliable

T- always tell someone you trust if you feel worried about something you see online



When we are online it is really important that we keep our personal information safe just like we would with with strangers in real life. We talked about what personal information was and then shared it with our friends. Then, we decided what is ok to tell peopple and what we need to keep safe and private. 

Finally, we learnt about email. Together, we wrote an email to Mrs Grainger- Roystone to tell her all about our learning in computing. she even sent us a reply! 

Email can ne really useful because it is quick but we must always ask an adult to help us with them. 
