Primary School
Part of Every Child Matters Academy TrustWe have enjoyed reading stories by the author Allan Ahlberg. We have particularly enjoyed the 'Funny bones' stories. We have created a display to show some of our work. We thought the characters were very funny and there were lots of amusing events that happened.
We have enjoyed lots of different stories by Eric Carle. We especially enjoyed, 'The Hungry Caterpillar'. We have been learning about different life cycles using non-fiction books. We enjoyed this fiction book about the caterpillar and how he grew and changed. We all thought it was very funny when he ate too much!
We are enjoying reading lots of stories by Martin Waddell this summer term. We have really enjoyed the story, 'Farmer Duck'. We have been finding out about different animals on the farm and we really enjoyed this fiction book. We thought it was a very good ending for all the animals on the farm.
We have enjoyed listening to stories by Nick Sharratt and especially enjoyed, 'Shark in the Park'. We were all wondering if there really was a shark in the park! We enjoyed listening out for the rhyming words and we used the rhyme to predict the word that came next.
We really enjoyed the story, 'Threadbear' by Mick Inkpen. We enjoyed using drama to reenact the story and sequenced the key events in the right order.