Primary School
Part of Every Child Matters Academy TrustLiz Eland
Chair of the Governing Body
I have been a member of the governing body at Ladywood since 2012 and I really enjoy the variety of roles being a governor has supporting school provide quality educational opportunities to our children so they can achieve their own potential
Category | Responsibilty | Term of Office | Register of Business /Financial Interests | Material Interests e.g. Relationships with school staff | Governance Roles in Other Schools |
| GDPR Human Resources Pupil Progress, EYFS, MFL, Music | 01/09/2022-31/08/2026 | None | None | Yes |
Karen Hoyland
Parent Governor
I’ve been a parent governor at Ladywood since 2021. I volunteer to be a governor alongside my photography business inside the Acorn Centre. Parent governors play a vital role on governing bodies, holding the unique position of having a parental viewpoint of the school. It feels great to know that I can make a difference to the children's school years.
Category | Responsibilty | Term of Office | Register of Business /Financial Interests | Material Interests e.g. Relationships with school staff | Governance Roles in Other Schools |
| Health & Safety | 13/07/2021-13/07/2025 | None | None | None |
Lizzie Hopson
Parent Governor
Category | Responsibilty | Term of Office | Register of Business /Financial Interests | Material Interests e.g. Relationships with school staff | Governance Roles in Other Schools |
Parent | 14/07/2023 - 14/07/2027 |
Tony Parkinson
Local Authority Appointed Governor/Vice Chair
Many of you may remember me from Willowgarth School where I taught Maths for 28 years before having to retire early. I have over 30 years experience of being a school governor in Barnsley, and have really enjoyed the role. I still have a real interest in Grimethorpe and hope I can make a difference to the education your children receive.
Category | Responsibilty | Term of Office | Register of Business /Financial Interests | Material Interests e.g. Relationships with school staff | Governance Roles in Other Schools |
| Maths, Science, DT Finance | 04/12/2022-04/12/2026 | None | Recorded | No |
Caroline Connelly
Co-opted Governor
I am new to the role of being a School Governor. My 3 children have all attended Ladywood Primary School and I believe the education my children received has been of excellent standards. This has helped them to have a good start in life. Within my role as a Co-opted Governor, I strive to ensure our children continue to receive the best education and care possible, helping them to grow and flourish individually and become successful in life.
Category | Responsibilty | Term of Office | Register of Business /Financial Interests | Material Interests e.g. Relationships with school staff | Governance Roles in Other Schools |
| Staff & Pupil wellbeing | 08/02/2023 - 07/02/2027 |
Marie Dalton
Co-opted Governor
I have been working within Further Education for over 20 years and have experience of the Arts and cultural impact on young people with an aim to continue to raise standards and aspirations. I am committed to my role as a co-opted Governor at Ladywood Primary School and believe, as a member of the governing body, I can work alongside this excellent school to provide the best possible start for our children through the school ethos and values. I am committed to supporting our children to be the best that they can be and positively maintain the high standards for their learning that they deserve to transform their young lives.
Category | Responsibilty | Term of Office | Register of Business /Financial Interests | Material Interests e.g. Relationships with school staff | Governance Roles in Other Schools |
Co-opted | 08/02/2023 - 07/02/2027 |
Clare Grainger-Roystone
I am very proud to be both the Headteacher and a Governor at Ladywood Primary School. I have worked in Grimethorpe since 1998 and I have been Headteacher at Ladywood since 2003; I, therefore, feel part of the unique community that I serve. Ladywood is an excellent school where children are nurtured and thrive through the work of an amazing group of teachers, key attachment teaching assistants, higher level teaching assistants and a mixture of specialist support staff. The staff at Ladywood all work together as a united team to provide the best possible outcomes for our very special children. Our ultimate aim is for our children to be successful.
My role is to steer and lead that fantastic team of staff with the support of the dedicated Governing Body. In order to do that we are constantly evolving and developing while maintaining our ethos which centres on the power of relationships to teach positivity, resilience, care and success.
Category | Responsibilty | Term of Office | Register of Business /Financial Interests | Material Interests e.g. Relationships with school staff | Governance Roles in Other Schools |
Staff | Headteacher | From 1st Sept 2003 | None | None | None |
Hannah Bradbury
Staff Representative
Category | Responsibilty | Term of Office | Register of Business /Financial Interests | Material Interests e.g. Relationships with school staff | Governance Roles in Other Schools |
Staff |
| 21/02/2024-20/02/2028 | None | None | None |