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Primary School

Part of Every Child Matters Academy Trust

Ladywood Garden Project

Ladywood Garden Project

Over the past few months Ladywood School Council, along with volunteers from the local community, have been working hard to improve the appearance of our school grounds and to make it a calm and welcoming place to be. The transformation so far, has been astounding, yet continues to be a work in progress. None of this would have been possible without help from the following people and companies:

  • Grimethorpe Ward Alliance for their valued financial help
  • NEET for a full day’s work, which they did with enthusiasm and a smile.
  • E.J. Lidster for the kind donation of a lorry load of topsoil, without which we would not have been able to get started.
  • Men in Sheds-Age U.K for their kind promise of a signpost.
  • GS Roofing of Grimethorpe who gave us block pavers for the children to paint in order to add their own unique touch to the project.
  • The school community for supporting our non-uniform day, raising over £100 towards materials for the garden.
  • The wonderful volunteers from school, who arrived not knowing what would be expected, and who stayed the whole day, working tirelessly to move tonnes of soil and gravel, and dug and swept.
  • Finally Anne, Steve, Doreen and Graham who gave so generously their time and presence to the project. Thank you for taking the time and effort in raising the funds and materials to make all of this happen.


Thanks to all involved, we have a garden to be proud of! We would like to invite you to a thankyou tea (date and time to follow shortly) and look forward to seeing you soon.


School council 2018
