Primary School
Part of Every Child Matters Academy TrustSpellings will be sent home weekly. These spellings are a mixture of spelling rules and common exception words. Our spelling test day will be Wednesday. We practise these spellings in school but it would really help if they could practise them at home as well.
Log on to your Numbots account as often as you can to practise addition and subtraction. Click on the picture below to take you straight to your log in page.
We have story time at school every day so children can develop a love of reading and develop their understanding of vocabulary. We hope that you will do the same by reading a bedtime story every night.
Children will visit the library and bring home a new book every other Monday that an adult should read. If it is not your child’s library week, they will have the opportunity to swop their book in class. If you would like to borrow additional books please speak to Mrs Marsden.
Please look after library books at home as we don’t have the funds to replace them. Please return library books EVERY MONDAY.