Primary School
Part of Every Child Matters Academy TrustWe started our E-safety learning thinking about cyberbullying. We know now cyber is when someone uses digital technology to be intentionally mean or unkind to someone more than once. During the session we explore lots of different scenarios and decided if it was cyber bullying or not, then talked about what advice we would give.
In digital literacy Y4 have been finding out about and using search engines. We know a search engine searches the internet for you, using the words you type in. We discussed how they give you results in a ranked order, which means that the results at the top of the page are the ones that the search engine thinks will be the most useful to you. We all explored using search engines to answers questions using keys words.
We have exlored plagarism online. We discussed how photographers’ pictures are used by other people, bloggers could have big pieces of their writing stolen and musicians could have their songs and videos copied and posted by others pretending it’s them! In pairs we looked at different scenarios and sorted them into two groups 'plagarism' and 'not plagarism'.
We have continued to talk about keeping safe while online and what makes a good digital citizen.