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Primary School

Part of Every Child Matters Academy Trust


In year 1, we will be revisiting sounds already taught alongside learning new sounds. Children will have daily Read Write Inc. phonics lessons as well as one to one reading with Mrs Lassu, Mrs Exley or Mrs Healey once per week. Children will bring home a homework sheet each day linked to the sound they have been learning in their phonics session. Please return these back to school when your child has practised. 


In addition to this, your child will bring home a phonics book each day that has been carefully matched to their phonics ability. Please read this at home with your child and record this in his/her reading diary. Please return the book to school each day. This book will have already  been introduced to your child in school and they should read it at home to develop their fluency. 


Every Friday, your child will also bring home an additional reading book linked to their current phonics level. Please return this to school the following Friday. This book will not have been introduced at school. 

