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Barnsley children to receive financial support for food over the half term holidays

Thousands of Barnsley children will benefit from new financial support for food during half term week funded by Barnsley Council, as it backs Marcus Rashford’s campaign to provide free school meals during school holidays.


The council wants to guarantee that children, parents and carers who need additional support over the half term holiday are given it, independent of any national decisions.


Barnsley Council Leader, Cllr Sir Steve Houghton CBE, said: "We’ve already seen how the COVID-19 pandemic has really hit families affected by financial hardship.

"Going into Tier Three – the Very High category – from tomorrow, will place further restriction on people’s lives and livelihoods, making it even harder for people who are struggling to support their children.

“We don’t want to see children who receive free school meals go hungry over half term so a payment of £15 - the same amount as free school meal funding - will be made per child to eligible families.


“This will support approximately 8,700 children across the borough at a cost of £130,000 if all those eligible claim the funding.”

Families can access the funding by making a claim via This page also has details of other financial support available.


People can also call 01226 787787 and choose option 3.
