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Barnsley in Bloom goes Digital

Barnsley in Bloom poster competition goes digital

Barnsley Council’s annual Barnsley in Bloom poster competition will still go ahead, despite schools being closed due to Coronavirus (COVID-19). This year, instead of children designing their artwork in school, they are encouraged to get creative at home.


The poster competition will run from Wednesday 15 to Thursday 30 April. Children up to the age of 16 are encouraged to draw their best Barnsley in Bloom picture on a sheet of A4 paper, take a picture of it and email it to with the subject: ‘Barnsley in Bloom entry’.


Include the child’s age and name in your email. This year there is no specific theme – just get inspired by nature and the flowers blooming around your home this spring. Use colours and paints to brighten up your picture.


There will be three age categories: six and under, seven to 11 and 12-16. Our park services team will judge and shortlist the artwork, and then the Mayor will choose one winner from each age category. Each winner will receive a certificate over email, and their artwork will be shared on Barnsley Council’s social media channels, so everyone in the borough can celebrate them.


Cllr Pauline Markham, Mayor of Barnsley, said; “This year we’re doing the Barnsley in Bloom competition slightly differently, but we still want all of Barnsley’s budding young artists to get involved. This fun activity should hopefully keep children entertained for a while at home, and I encourage families to stick their artwork in their window so that other children can enjoy spotting them on their daily exercise.

“I’m sorry that I won’t be able to welcome the winners to lunch with me at the Town Hall, but hopefully they will enjoy seeing their artwork being celebrated online.”
