Primary School
Part of Every Child Matters Academy Trust
There was some confusion this morning as some children arrived early for their catch-up sessions and others later for the normal start of the day. It was really good to see so many children turning up for these sessions and taking advantage of the opportunity.
Some parents had missed the information on our newsletters so there is a reminder of this below and we hope to see these children on Friday.
We do need to make it much clearer what we expect children who are not attending the catch-ups to do when they arrive for their normal time as I must admit that this was a little confused this morning.
On Friday and on future catch-up days, the following should be followed:
Catch-up Session Start Times (Wednesdays & Fridays)
8.15am Year 5 & 6 children arrive for catch up and queue on their lines
8.30am Year 1 & 2 children arrive for catch up and queue on their lines
8.45am Year 3 & 4 children arrive for catch up and queue on their lines
Normal School Start Times – If your child does not attend the Government driven catch-up sessions they should queue at their normal start times as follows:
8.45am Year 5 & 6 children queue on the lines by their classroom door
9.00am Year 1 & 2 children queue on their lines as normal
9.15am Year 3 & 4 children queue on their lines as normal
When the catch-up sessions end (each session is 30 minutes) a member of staff from the classroom will come out to collect those children who have not attended the catch-up session from the line.
Children will not enter via the main entrance as some did today, this was unmanageable and I am sure that this will run much smoother from Friday. Please help us to limit numbers on site and to adhere to social distancing by arriving as close to your start time as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs CL Grainger-Roystone